Deep in the Well of Savage Salvation

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Empire Taxes

Empire Taxes
I am your Emperor and you will pay me the Taxes you owe

Empire Taxes

Empire Taxes
I am your Emperor. You must support the Realm!

"Chronicle Groupie"
Hyperion January 7, 2009
I've never been real big on New Year's Resolutions. I don't have anything against them necessarily, and I'm even good at making and keeping resolutions, sometimes. (When I was 12 my mom challenged my brother and me to go one month without processed sugar. I went three, just to prove I could.)

But it's just too much of a thing, and I don't do it.

However, every birthday, my mom asks the birthday people what their goals are for the next year of their lives. (You don't have to even be family; if my mom is near you during your birthday, you're going to get asked.) This year I was all prepared, and wrote up a bunch of goals in anticipation of the question. And, for the first time that I can remember, she didn't ask!

Anyway, since I have them all written up and all, I figured I'd post them here. I'm sure I won't get these all accomplished, or even any of them, but at least they're in writing in a public place.

Since my birthday always comes on December 31, it seems like they are de facto resolutions, but to me there is a difference. Resolutions are often about not doing something (smoking, drinking, whoring, etc.), or at least improving something you don't like about yourself. (Get in shape, eat right.) The Birthday goals, on the other hand, are more positive: things I want to get done this year.

So here they are.

Hyperion's Goals for the 34th Year of his Life


Set up Podcasting by February
- I've had the capability for awhile, but something keeps messing up the deal. I would really like this to become a major part of my website.

Register Screenplay before April
- I went to all the trouble of writing a movie screenplay. Why can I not register it with the Writers' Guild and the Library of Congress? I don't know. I am going to try harder.

Get another two screenplays written
- This is a longer shot, but I have developed several ideas, worked them out and storyboarded them. Time to go from the note cards to the page.

Get a novel set up and storyboarded and at least started - I have had my novel set up for far longer than the screenplays. I would like to start putting it into motion.

Send novel already written to a publisher - I already went to the trouble of writing a whole novel. May not be my dream project, like above, but it's done. Why not send it off and see ifanyone's interested? Or a the very least publish it as a podiobook. That might be cool.

Sell at least one short story - I have dozens of short stories written and dozens more in development. It'd be nice to actually get paid for one before I die.

Figure out how to get revenue streams on my site - Maybe it's ads, maybe it's something else, but I work too hard on the Institute not to get something for it.


Revitalize Monkey Barn
- Nobody is happy with the state of Monkey Barn today. I know the answer lies with me. I have to get excited about it again and move it in the direction I want, even if that means completely changing everything. I had an idea last year I'd still like to do, and an even better one for this year, but it's all nothing when all I do is talk.

Empire of the Mind - If I don't get that up and running soon I am going to give up Beef Jerky for a year.

Five Kingdoms - It's a long shot that I can get that community re-started, but I ought to at least set up my vision for it, so the framework is in place.

T.R.A.M.P. - I talked to Schrodinger's Kitten about this the other day. Once the Oscar nominations come out I want to move on this. I think the readers are going to love it.

Keep in closer personal contact with wider group of people
- I don't like that I can so many months or even years without significant contact with people I know. I can't be close friends with everyone. Most people don't want to be close friends with me, or they'd be calling more often. But I can at least stay in contact via email more often, and phone calls for some. I should actually make a schedule. That sounds ridiculous, but it's probably the only way it will happen.


Walk somewhere without a cane
- A pipe dream, and one that I don't have too much control over, but still a goal of mine. Might as well add go a day without pain to this one.

Send Wheelchair back to clinic - This one I think I can do. I don't like that damn thing staring at me. Just waiting.

Get name change completely legal in all 50 states - The name thing hangs over my head like an albatross. Recently I have had to deal with the government on some issues, and they insist on using my former name. It drives me crazy, and I have come close to unhinged several times. I finally have the money to get everything legal (or at least, I should soon), but there still might be hurdles. Kaida told me last night it could take two years. I cannot fathom that. It's not a "bell tower and rifle" kind of moment, but only because I cannot climb stairs. I think if I knew it would take two years to get everything legal I would walk away from all names and go become a nameless preacher on some mesa.

Archon project - For three years this has been the major plan for 2009. Now the year is here and very few plans have been solidified. I need to decide if I am going to move forward, and one way or another make a decision.

And as always - Take over the world

It should be noted that normally when asked, people only come up with two or three goals. So, if you decide to do this in your own family, don't expect this much. I only did because I was preparing ahead of time, and really thought about it. For all our grumbling, though, it is kind of neat. Think about incorporating it into the next birthday party you attend. And if you have a birthday, write and let me know what your goals are. I would love to read them.



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